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Friday, March 26, 2010


The medical billing software of today enable the free flow of important information regarding patient care, equitable billing, administrative workflow and many other concerning areas of medical care. Whether by software platform or web-based access, medical billing software can save time and increase revenue. In addition, a medical office or hospital can use software programs designed specifically for their own specialty areas of practice, such as family practice, general care, or geriatrics, for example.
Whatever the specialty may be, the real bonus of utilizing medical billing software these days is the added capacity for quality of patient care. Medical billing software can do this by enhancing the physician/ staff experience first-hand through such innovative fusion features as the ability to handwrite as one is accustomed, with a pen- no keyboard! Envision a graphics interface which will absolutely enhance the charting experience by providing automatic coding for billing needs, both to the patient and to claims review. Tables and graphs are among the most useful tools of evaluation. A physician’s office or hospital utilizing medical billing software can take advantage of graphical overviews of the financial situation at any time.
Imagine the comfort provided to the physician, staff and the patient concerning accuracy of procedure codes, and the appropriate costs involved; not to mention the security of prescribing the appropriate medications in the intended dosages. Fusion of information input to medical billing software ensures along the communication line that the patient will go home with the proper prescription! This in itself is invaluable to not just the patient, but also the medical practice with its physicians, staff and investors. Medical billing software increases the capacity of the doctor to stand behind his recommendations, solid in the faith that the doctor’s orders will survive the fallible human chain of information by the aide of software management.
When a medical billing software is incorporated into the practice of healthcare, electronic health information is almost immediately available to appropriate personnel when that information is needed, whether in the originating office or outside the realm of immediate concern to that office. The idea is to let the billing software connect the dots of healthcare for your patient and your practice, which will cut down on human error and potentially lack of care due to simple ignorance of medical information or procedures which may be commonplace in another venue.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


In today’s ever growing world of medical care needs and options, it is more important than ever to have the ability to share the medical health information of patients on a national level and abroad. Electronic Medical Records (EMR), as the newer trend in medical records keeping, carries with it much promise for the future of medical care here at home, and around the world. There are several potential benefits to the physician’s practice, the hospital, and the patient by being part of such a system.
There is no better way to ensure that a patient’s medical needs are being met in the best manner possible than to participate and have access to a database of evidence based medicine. Many times a patient simply cannot get well despite receiving the very best care available through their personal physician. Even in cases where a physician uses a computerized practice management system, if that system does not take advantage of the hoards of clinical data input available via EMR, then the patient is likely to miss out on what could be life-saving treatment. While this is no fault of the physician or the hospital, it is unfortunate nonetheless.
When a hospital or physician’s office steps up from paper files to a computerized practice management system, they’ve obviously taken advantage of an electronic system of sorts; however, this is primarily of assistance within the office itself, or the hospital, as the case may be. Such programs are beneficial to the particular company regarding their records-keeping, billing, contact information, etc. The practice management software alone guards against such common errors as non-legible handwriting regarding patient treatment or prescribed medicines for instance. Contact information is easily accessible with the touch of a button. A practice management system by itself however, cannot deliver the sheer volume of information available in the world today- not even on a national level. The good news is that the use of a practice management system in conjunction with utilization of an EMR database is possible. Most practice management softwares are-or can be, with a little engineering- compatible with EMR systems in general, greatly benefitting not just the practice, but the patient also.
The absolute mobility of information available when using an EMR system has the potential of making everyone’s job easier and the information they’re producing more tangible and reliable- both in the short term, and in the long run. Information from the patient to the medical staff to the doctor, then to the pharmacist and his/her technicians, to the patient. When the need is static accuracy and wealth of knowledge for the benefit of the patient (most important), EMR can deliver this for the benefit of everyone involved.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The trend of keeping electronic medical records has been fairly slow in catching on due to somewhat high costs of the fairly new systems. However, as will happen with time, there are systems available today which are actually very affordable, especially when one dedicates hard consideration to the positives of using such a system of medical records-keeping.
How often does it happen in your practice that health care claims are denied, only to result in the loss of money to the practice and the patient? Often times when claims are denied, the patient simply cannot pay and so the practice loses money and the patient loses potentially critical care. Even when a procedure has not yet been done, the practice loses the future financials of the case already in progress and most definitely loses in terms of time spent by the staff in handling the denial. This is just one highlight in the list of reasons to cross over to electronic medical records, or EMR.
Maybe it’s time to take advantage of a system which will inspect your claims before they leave the office, validating the information input for accuracy and viability. This ensures that contracts between insurance payors and the practice are honored and the patient receives the benefits they have coming to them. Maybe it’s time to secure you own future by ensuring there are no human errors in the record-keeping of your practice, which can result in ill-prescribed medications or procedures and puts your patients- and your practice- at risk.
Electronic medical records systems generally come with tutoring, or continuing education courses tailored to the needs of your practice. Whether you are installing a new system or upgrading your current system, continuing education can help you and your staff to bridge any gap of knowledge, naturally increasing your dedication to the system. Provided education is also helpful when you add new staff members and don’t want to dedicate valuable office time to full system training.
More and more offices are taking advantage of the wide array of benefits that come with a dedicated software program which will integrate with their own particular way of doing business, and also integrate with electronic medical records world-wide. Custom programming is available to enable you to tailor your electronic medical records to the needs of your practice. Never again need you be concerned that investment in an EMR system may pigeonhole you into a way of records-keeping that you’re either unaccustomed to or which only partially works for you. These programs are tailored to your needs, and increased affordability offers you the opportunity to get current and become involved in the future of medical care.

Friday, March 19, 2010

EMR Benefits Outweigh Costs

EMR software, or electronic medical records software, provides many benefits to health care providers' practices. By integrating claims processing and medicals files from multiple offices, time and money is saved. Paper processing and medical files are a thing of the past. With EMR, the benefits clearly outweigh the costs.

EMR software, or electronic medical records software, provides many benefits to health care providers' practices. By integrating claims processing and medicals files from multiple offices, time and money is saved.

EMR Benefits Outweigh Costs

Because of services such as claims management, eServices, third party software integrations, custom programming and practice management consulting, electronic medical record software is making medical business offices more efficient and accurate.

Claims management by paper can be a hassle. Claims are sent to central processing enters, where one small error can result in a claim being denied. Anyone who has worked with insurance companies knows that once a claim has been denied, it is very difficult to have it go through on the second round. EMR software allows claims to be processed electronically. Claims are scanned for errors, or scrubbed, before they ever leave the system. When claims are sent to clearing houses, it takes literally minutes to learn whether or not a claim has been accepted or rejected. That's quite a reduction from the weeks it takes for paper processing to be completed. EMR claims result in faster reimbursements by insurance companies and drastically increases reimbursement rates. Because of these time saving benefits, most offices become more productive and streamlined and paperwork is reduced, saving space and money while increasing accuracy. Electronic Medical Records

With EMR services, if a claim is denied for some reason appeal letters are automatically generated. Some services, such as MedAppeal, will even monitor insurance payer behavior after claims leave your system. The software identifies fee schedule underpayments, misuse of clinical edits and late payments without penalties or interest. High end software service packages even include actual labor to help monitor and work receivables of qualifying insurance carriers. Legal services can be provided by attorneys to bring about resolution to practices according to law when contracts between the practice and insurance payors have been violated.

Benefits, such as eServices, where customer service agents help resolve issues with medical practices make getting the help you need easier. Because every practice is different, software can be custom programmed. Third party software integrations also make reading medical files easier and make caring for patients more accurate and safe. Some programs even alert providers when a patient has an allergy or a dangerous drug interaction could occur by prescribing a certain combination of medications. To learn more about the benefits of EMR and to get a free demo, visit

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Benefits of Electronic Claims Processing with EMR

Electronic claims processing is the way of the future for medical offices. Paper billing processing is time consuming and expensive. The days of paper billing are numbered. With electronic medical record software, electronic claims processing makes receiving payments faster, and billing easier and more accurate.

Electronic claims processing is the way of the future for medical offices. Paper billing processing is time consuming and expensive. The days of paper billing are numbered. With electronic medical record software, electronic claims processing makes receiving payments faster, and billing easier and more accurate.

The Benefits of Electronic Claims Processing with EMR

Electronic claims processing is a method of sending claims to insurance carriers electronically rather than by paper. Health care providers often use electronic medical records, or EMR, to generate billing invoices automatically. Electronic claims processing is just one of the many benefits of EMR software and service packages.
Using an electronic data interchange, or EDI, electronic claims are sent using an internet connection. Claims can be sent to insurance carriers directly or to a clearing house where bills are processed. Clearing houses send claims to several insurance carriers for you, saving you time and money on man hours. Larger insurance carriers, such as Medicare, Medicaid and BC&BS have created direct claims services. There are many benefits to electronic claims processing.

EMR software error checks invoices. Without error checking, electronic claims sent to clearing houses are checked for errors and immediately rejected if there are data entry mistakes, missing information, invalid information, etc. In most cases paper claims are processed once. After the first rejection, the claim is rejected totally. Electronic claims processing scrubs the entire claim file and alerts you of errors that would cause a claim to be rejected. It is then easily fixed so claims can be streamlined through clearing houses.

Because paper claims take days to reach the payer, electronic claims processing speeds reimbursement. Most carriers delay paper claim payments, with Medicare delaying payments for a minimum of 28 days on paper claims. Electronic claims processing cuts that down to 14 days, and since claims are scrubbed before leaving the office, delays are cut back dramatically. Rejections can be resolved in minutes rather than weeks.

Because electronic claims processing allows much more information to be provided to the insurance carrier, claims are rejected less often. Payers have less overhead costs with electronic claims, which make them much more likely to process claims quickly. Insurance companies appreciate electronic claims.

EMR software helps clinics and hospitals increase productivity in their business office. Because the software verifies the billing is correct, eliminates the need to print labels, bills, etc. offices are spared hours of wasted time. With electronic claims bills are sent directly to insurance companies or clearing houses, where you can find out in seconds whether or not a claim was accepted or denied, and why. To learn more about the benefits of EMR software and to get a free demo, visit

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Medical Practice Management Made Easier

Running a medical practice is never easy, what with insurance companies fighting payments, huge amounts of paperwork and scheduling to deal with, not to mention actually caring for patients. Electronic Medical Records, or EMR, make running your practice easier. By integrating records, scheduling, billing and legal services, EMR cuts down on wasted time, space and money while helping providers care for their patients safely and easily.

Running a medical practice is never easy, what with insurance companies fighting payments, huge amounts of paperwork and scheduling to deal with, not to mention actually caring for patients. Electronic Medical Records, or EMR, make running your practice easier.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR): Medical Practice Management Made Easier

Electronic Medical Records, or EMR's, are computer based medical records. Computerizing medical record data has many advantages for practitioners attempting to streamline their office's practices. Because many practitioners need to save on space, coordinate and access records easily, quickly and efficiently and curb costs, EMR are becoming much more popular.

Electronic medical records enable clinical staff to access patient data from any location. Because of this feature, practices which use EMR have cut down on potentially deadly errors. They also save time on FAXing records that are sometimes difficult to read. Some doctors have practices in several locations. Their patients visit them in these separate locations. This means more paperwork, files; etc must be transferred, sorted and filed in each location. But with the implementation of electronic medical records, all that frustration, wasted time and work is drastically reduced.

EMR makes claims processing by insurance companies easier. It also helps practitioners manage claims denials by insurance companies: a growing problem that will not be reduced until reforms are in place. Electronic Medical Records enables doctors and nurses to increase the safety of their work for their patients. Due to automated drug and allergy interaction checks, EMR makes prescribing drugs easier and less complicated. Prescription records are at the practitioners' fingertips, as well as lab results and clinical notes.

EMR also has added features for scheduling and accounting. Claims service software scrubs claims before they leave your system. Certain programs use millions of payor specific payment rules to identify fee schedule underpayments, misuse of clinical edits and late payments. Some service packages will even automatically generate appeal letters and make management reports online. Top of the line service packages come with legal services through attorneys in order to resolve contract issues between insurance companies and health care providers according to the law. To get a free demo or to learn more about EMR software and service packages, please visit their website at