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Saturday, July 18, 2009

How Electronic Medical Records is a Diminution to the Complexity of Nursing

How Electronic Medical Records is a Diminution to the Complexity of Nursing

Nurses are said to be the eye of the doctor’s and the voice of the patients. They are the doctor’s eyes because they come in close contact with the patients most of the time. They are able to assess the patients’ condition and their response to the treatment either they’re improving or not in a daily basis. The nurses’ relentless interaction with their patients enables them to hear their patients’ complaints of pain, difficulty in sleeping or any other discomforts. Nursing is a complex profession because it does not only deal with the patients but with the doctors and patient’s relatives as well. Other than the direct bedside nursing care, a nurse’s job also describes their responsibility in the documentation of medications, nurse’s notes and in implementing the doctor’s orders. But how can a nurse be able to focus on taking care of her patient when her 8 or 12 hours of shift must be divided in charting and transcribing the ordered medication to the therapeutic sheets, and in carrying out the doctor’s orders? It’s a good thing that the American hospitals nowadays have the audacity to assimilate Electronic Medical Records in the system as this does not only benefit the physicians, but also the nurses who are the primary caregivers of the patients.

The Electronic Medical Records that HealthTec innovated benefits the nurses in so many ways in terms of documentation, time management, patient care, medication, charting and transcribing doctor’s orders.

One can’t deny the fact that there are some physicians who writes illegibly which is a waterloo to most nurses. So much time is wasted in deciphering the handwriting of the doctor or in locating the ordering physician just to confirm the written order. Now, with the aid of the handwriting translation tool that the Electronic Medical Records bring, nurses are able to carryout the doctor’s orders without having to decipher it. This also decreases the possibility of misinterpreting the Resident’s notes, which is most likely the common cause of errors in nursing.

When it comes to giving of medications, the likeliness of committing medication errors is reduced because Electronic medical records works in combination with another important tool called the electronic medical administration records where in the dosage of the drug, the time and date of administering the medication and even drug allergies or even the occurrence of possible drug-to-drug or drug-to-food interactions are prompted.

The nursing dogma clearly states that any care not documented is care not done. That’s the importance of proper documentation. Electronic medical records is able to incorporate this clinical component in the system, as this allows nurses to properly document the care rendered to the patients as well as the complaints made by them. The electronic medical records is so sophisticated and patient care oriented that it has prompts and alerts responding to the patient’s complaints, thus stimulating the nurses to make further assessments and do necessary nursing actions and proper documentation.

HealthTec Fusion offers nurses the state of the art customizable Electronic Medical Records software in a touch screen tablet PC that is equipped with an uncomplicated edge that enables decipherable handwritings and proper documentations. Now, instead of wasting time in doing paper works, nurses can perform their primary role as care givers in promoting patient’s health and alleviating their sickness.

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